Do you want 4 FREE  Meditation Downloads?

Download them now, while you can, for FREE!



You can download all 4 of these amazing meditation products for free by filling in your name and email address below. You will get immediate access.

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  • Alpha Meditation

    This type of brainwave activity classically associated with zen meditation, visualization, memory and learning enhancement and de silva training.

  • Theta Meditation

    This type of brainwave activity is classically associated with astral projection, remote viewing, past life regression work and psychic activity. It can also be used to balance serotonin and melatonin levels in cases of jet lag, insomnia and depression.

  • Delta Meditation

    This  type of brainwave activity is classically associated with shamanic trance, samadhi and clear light meditation. Delta frequency activity can also be used to stimulate glandular tissue; particularly for the rebalancing of human growth hormones & DHEA in ageing.

  • Epsilon Meditation

    Help coordinate left and right brain activity – creating A-HA states. – Induce very deep,advanced  states of meditation .- Create nirvanic and samhadhi experience – Lead to spiritual insight – Create spontaneous out of body experiences

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