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Wouldn't it be great if you could reprogram your mind in the same way that you reprogram a computer...
What are the 3 free downloads?

Attract Money Subliminal

Achieve a Healthy Weight Subliminal

Get Motivated Subliminal
What are Backward Command Subliminals?
An amazing combination of the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Technique® and the scientifically proven Backward Command Subliminal Process™
- These programs are effective with or without headphones, in any environment: while watching TV, in the gym or while you sleep
- Don't just think about being a better person any longer...just do it!
- All of our downloads contain a guided induction to a deep hypnotic trance state. This is used in conjunction with the 3D Mind Sync Hypnotic Induction Suite ®.
- When you have reached a deep hypnotic trance state you will begin to hear relevant subliminal suggestion in conventional form and in backward command form. You will hear affirmations spoken clearly in English.
There are no hidden subliminals. The affirmation is played in reverse created by the backward command process.
Each download is 40 minutes long and can be used in any environment (but not whilst driving or operating machinery).
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You can have these products playing in the background while you sleep. The message is building in the subconscious all the time.