New Launch – The Solfeggio Spiral – Enhance Cognition & Consciousness



This piece of music is based on the full solfeggio frequency sequence.
The full musical piece lasts for 60 minutes and includes 6-minute sections of each frequency in sequence from lowest to highest. It can be played in any environment.
These Solfeggio sounds can be used to:
  • Soothe the internal organs and ease the physical and mental pain
  • Enhance cognition and consciousness
  • Resolve all fear and guilt
  • Make any positive changes in your life
  • Create miracles and repair
  • Develop and heal your relationships
  • Develop latent psychic ability and intuition
  • Get spiritual enlightenment and growth
  • Connect to the light and pure spirit
  • Create a deeper sense of peace and balance
They can be used as relaxing background music or as an accompaniment to your meditations.  There are no hidden subliminal or vocal guidance.

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